Welcome to the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Texas
Notifications & Tips |
CM/ECF Upgrade | 03/23/2025 | NextGen 1.8.2 was installed. |
CM/ECF Upgrade | 12/07/2024 | NextGen 1.8 and 1.8.1 were installed. |
4/6/2015 | See Notice of Change in Operations at Midland Divisional Office at our court website (http://www.txwb.uscourts.gov). | |
New Fees, Rules & Forms | 12/1/2014 | See Bankruptcy Fees, Rules & Forms Changes at our court website (http://www.txwb.uscourts.gov). |
New Filing Fees | 6/1/2014 | See Bankruptcy Filing Fee Increases at our court website (http://www.txwb.uscourts.gov). |
Court Audio Available from PACER | 5/5/2014 | See Court Audio Available from PACER at our court website (http://www.txwb.uscourts.gov). |
New Filing Fees | 11/1/2011 | See Notice of Fee Increases at our court website (http://www.txwb.uscourts.gov). |
10/11/11 | Important Notice Regarding Redaction of Social Security Numbers. The Judicial Conference Privacy Policy prohibits the disclosure of an individual‘s full social security number, among other items, to protect against identity theft. Any document filed after the enactment of this policy (on Dec. 1, 2003) that contains such information must be restricted to court users, and a redacted version must be filed. Documents filed before the policy was implemented may still contain private information. Restrictions are now placed on all documents, including claims, filed in cases opened before Dec. 1, 2003 that have been closed for at least a year. Documents that were previously unrestricted are now available only to court users, case participants and anyone using a public terminal. | |
Notice Regarding Time Period Changes | 12/02/09 | Important Notice Regarding Time Period Changes Effective December 1, 2009, Including 14-Day Deadlines for Filing Schedules, Statements, Chapter 13 Plans, and Bankrupt cy Appellate Briefs. Among the time computation amendments to the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure that will take ef fect on December 1, 2009, are changes to 12 rules that will result in a reduction by one day (from 1 5 to 14 days) of the time to take action. The affected rules are Bankruptcy Rules 1007, 1019, 1020, 2015, 2015.1, 2016, 3015, 4001, 4002, 6004, 6007, and 8009. Please take note of these changes and particularly of the new 14-day deadline for filing schedules, statements, and other documents under Rule 1007(c); for filing a chapter 13 plan under Rule 3015(b); and for filing appellate briefs under Rule 8009(a). |
Case Numbering Change | 1/1/2006 | We are returning to the usual case number ranges for bankruptc
y type ("bk") cases for the filing of new cases: #1-Austin (10001-19999), e.g., 06-10001 #3-El Paso (30001-39999), e.g., 06-30001 #5-San Antonio (50001-59999), e.g., 06-50001 #6-Waco (60001-69999), e.g., 06-60001 #7-Midland (70001-79999), e.g., 06-70001 |
Case Numbering Change | 10/24/2005 |
Effective immediately, the following case number ranges are being used for bankru
ptcy type ("bk") cases for the filing of new cases: #1-Austin (20001-29999), e.g., 05-20001 #3-El Paso (40001-49999), e.g., 05-40001 #5-San Antonio (80001-89999), e.g., 05-80001 #6-Waco (90001-99999), e.g., 05-90001 #7-Midland (00001-09999), e.g., 05-00001 |
Notice of Electronic Filing & U.S.Trustee | 05/04/2005 | Please take notice that the U.S.Trustee's name and e-mail address for cases filed in the San Antonio, El Paso, and Midland divisions do not appear on the Notice of Electronic Filing screen. However, the U.S. Trustee is a registered electronic filer and is a recipient of the Notice of Electronic Filing. |
Case Information Availability | 03/07/2002 | Case information for cases closed after January 1, 1997 can be retrieved from the CM /ECF PACER system. Information for cases closed prior to January 1, 1997 can be retrieved through t he old dial-up version of PACER using your pacer login and password. The modem number is (210) 472- 6261 or (888) 372-5708. |
Document Availability | 03/05/2001 | Documents filed prior to 3/1/2001 cannot be retrieved from the Internet and can only be viewed by requesting a paper copy from the Clerk's office. |